Inspire: To fill the mind, the heart, with grace. Imbue with Spirit. "God-breathed".

My inspiration derives from innumerable sources. I've gathered a few of them here to share with you. My desire is to cultivate this list for our collective use... Because I often need reminders of where I've been and it never hurts to follow the lights when I'm in the midst of darkness.

Tanya Geisler - Step Into Your Starring Role
A 12-Week Coaching Program

It has been through her loving program that this site finally came into being. It turned out that being part of a group rather than having one-on-one coaching was exactly the right fit at exactly the right time. The other ladies in the group formed a truly united and supportive safety net in which we could all flourish.


This book, gifted to me by a friend and co-worker, is an incredible insistence to live as exactly who you are, no regrets, no excuses, no apologies. If you're not familiar, I beg of you, please, PLEASE take the time to become acquainted.

SARK is Susan Ariel Ranbow Kennedy, an artist and author whose offerings are many and deeply inspirational. I can't even begin to explain her style in this small space - she is fun and joy and light and full of heart. In particular, I am inspired by her copious use of handwritten copy. And her unflagging delight in seeing other people succeed. And her elevation of the word "succulent" into an art form. Having SARK in your life can only make it brighter!

Oh my... I barely know where to start singing Amy's praises. As of March 2014, I've only been aware of Amy's incredibly delicious work for about six months, but in that time she has had an enormous influence on my work and the way it is birthing into the world. There aren't enough ways on the planet to thank her, so I humbly ask with a deep and abiding love that you visit her site and see if it sings to you the way it does to me.

More Exquisite Links Coming Soon...