What Does the Crow Say

At times, the insane complexity of life overwhelms you, swallows you up, and deposits you at the edge of a chasm so desperately deep and terrifying that the only thing you can do is kick pebbles over the rim and listen to see whether you can hear them to hit the bottom. The icy gusts of wind threatening to pull you over don’t phase you. The cadaver birds are circling on thermals far enough below your perch that you (blessedly) cannot see what will comprise their next meal. No one seems to be around for miles upon miles and you understand only in the vaguest sense that you have neither food nor water nor first aid kit in this place. Even when the rescuers arrive and wrap you in blankets, you remain fixated on the outcropping where you so recently knelt, still not quite keyed in to the inherent danger of that space.