
A collage spread I created through Hannah Marcotti's visioning course Spirits of Joy.

A collage spread I created through Hannah Marcotti's visioning course Spirits of Joy.

A New Year is a genuinely beautiful thing. No matter what way you look at it, the beginning of a new yearly cycle is invigorating, whether it's a cycle based on months or seasons or some other form of marking time passage. It's a time to start new things as much as it is a time to divest yourself of the old. Of course, there's always the choice to retain the status quo, to keep things just as they are, to not move a muscle in the direction of change.

This go 'round, that choice feels stagnant, repugnant, and downright unacceptable. On another new year's arrival I may find myself looking around thinking, "Yeah, this'll do just fine." Right now? Mmm... Right now is screaming out for change. I'd like to think, however, that 2013 taught me a little something: That I have exactly what I need right now. I may forget that I have it, but I will still be able to access what I need as soon as I recall it and ask for its assistance. I have gathered in my harvest and I am processing it for the coming season.

Pretty handy, that!

So what I'm drawing on for strength in 2014 is that wisdom, that I have what I need. Onto that very sturdy foundation, I am adding motion, doing, creating. No more gathering for a bit - I have what I need. Making, moving, playing, dancing - Yes! That's where this year is. A year in which I will {re}birth myself out of my 30's and into my 40's. It will be glorious!

If it's in your flow, I hope you'll join me.